Procesadora Bellavista S.P.R. de R.L. Odoo Version 8.0-20160204
Information about the Procesadora Bellavista S.P.R. de R.L. instance of Odoo, the Open Source ERP.
Installed Applications
- Leads, Opportunities, Phone Calls
- Technical name: crm, updated: 08/05/2017 16:44:16, author: OpenERP SA
- Social Network
- Discussions, Mailing Lists, News
- Technical name: mail, updated: 07/12/2015 03:26:11, author: OpenERP SA
- Online Billing
- Send Invoices and Track Payments
- Technical name: account_voucher, updated: 07/12/2015 03:27:53, author: OpenERP SA
- Accounting and Finance
- Financial and Analytic Accounting
- Technical name: account_accountant, updated: 07/12/2015 03:28:06, author: OpenERP SA
- Etiquetas de productos terminados MRP (Express)
- Imprimir etiquetas de productos terminados
- Technical name: mrp_label_express, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:24, author: HG Consulting
- Sales Management
- Quotations, Sales Orders, Invoicing
- Technical name: sale, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43, author: OpenERP SA
- Warehouse Management
- Inventory, Logistic, Storage
- Technical name: stock, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43, author: OpenERP SA
- Instant Messaging
- OpenERP Chat
- Technical name: im_chat, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43, author: OpenERP SA
- Manufacturing Orders, Bill of Materials, Routing
- Technical name: mrp, updated: 04/25/2016 23:35:57, author: OpenERP SA
- Purchase Management
- Purchase Orders, Receipts, Supplier Invoices
- Technical name: purchase, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43, author: OpenERP SA
- Employee Directory
- Jobs, Departments, Employees Details
- Technical name: hr, updated: 09/15/2017 01:13:00, author: OpenERP SA
- Calendar
- Personal & Shared Calendar
- Technical name: calendar, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43, author: OpenERP SA
- Address Book
- Contacts, People and Companies
- Technical name: contacts, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43, author: OpenERP SA
- Website Builder
- Build Your Enterprise Website
- Technical name: website, updated: 07/12/2015 03:26:38, author: OpenERP SA
- eCommerce
- Sell Your Products Online
- Technical name: website_sale, updated: 07/12/2015 03:28:52, author: OpenERP SA
Installed Modules
- Etiquetas de productos terminados MRP
- Imprimir etiquetas de productos terminados en produccion
- Technical name: mrp_product_label, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:30 , author: HG Consulting
- Sum. productos terminados y consumidos MRP
- Agrega una sumatoria en productos consumidos y terminados
- Technical name: mrp_byproduct_sum, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:12 , author: Hg Consulting
- Autocalcular merma en procesos
- Calcular automáticamente la merma en los procesos
- Technical name: mrp_calcular_merma, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:15 , author: HG Consulting
- Campo filtro para etiquetas
- Filtrar productos a imprimir
- Technical name: product_printable_label, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: HG Consulting
- Metodo API creacion tranferencia
- Inventarios
- Technical name: stock_create_transfer, updated: 02/15/2020 05:33:47 , author: HG Consulting
- Tablero de Rendimiento de Procesos
- Reporte del rendimiento de los procesamientos
- Technical name: mrp_performance_dashboard, updated: 05/22/2016 07:14:43 , author: HG Consulting
- Rendimiento de procesamientos
- Reporte del rendimiento de los procesamientos
- Technical name: mrp_rendimiento, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:33 , author: HG Consulting
- Activar fecha de facturas
- Permitir modificar la fecha de factura
- Technical name: sales_invoice_edit_date, updated: 11/28/2015 02:18:35 , author: Hg Consulting
- Mostrar adeudos de clientes/proveedores
- Adeudos de clientes/proveedores
- Technical name: res_partner_debt, updated: 08/03/2017 01:01:50 , author: HG Consulting
- WMS Accounting
- Inventory, Logistic, Valuation, Accounting
- Technical name: stock_account, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Reglas de listas de precio
- Reglas de calculo
- Technical name: sales_pricelist_rules, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: Hg Consulting
- Campo de fecha de matanza
- Nuevo campos en pedido de compra
- Technical name: purchase_date_slaughter, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: HG Consulting
- Agregar campos de control de información
- Ocultar información
- Technical name: res_users_partner_pbv, updated: 03/21/2017 14:15:07 , author: HG Consulting
- Control de compras mostradas
- Ocultar las compras de ciertos proveedores
- Technical name: purchase_control, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: HG Consulting
- Control de producciones mostradas
- Ocultar los procesos de ciertos proveedores
- Technical name: mrp_control, updated: 03/21/2017 14:16:47 , author: HG Consulting
- Control de número de serie mostrados
- Ocultar ciertos números de serie
- Technical name: production_lot_control, updated: 03/23/2017 18:15:38 , author: HG Consulting
- Coordenadas de localización
- Ubicación del cliente/proveedor
- Technical name: res_partner_location, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: HG Consulting
- Control de ventas mostradas
- Ocultas ventas no tif
- Technical name: sale_control, updated: 03/21/2017 14:17:30 , author: HG Consulting
- Control de movimientos de existencias
- Movimientos de existencias
- Technical name: stock_control, updated: 05/03/2017 18:43:45 , author: HG Consulting
- Administración de visitas y clientes
- Ventas
- Technical name: sale_customer_visit, updated: 03/25/2020 00:25:03 , author: HG Consulting
- Asignar almacen para usuario
- Ubicacion de inventario
- Technical name: res_users_warehouse, updated: 02/15/2020 05:36:31 , author: HG Consulting
- Filtro en inventarios de ubiaciones
- Filtro de información
- Technical name: stock_quant_control, updated: 04/08/2017 00:44:38 , author: HG Consulting
- Sumatoria en pagos en la factura
- Sumatorias en factura
- Technical name: account_invoice_payment_sum, updated: 07/28/2017 16:53:39 , author: HG Consulting
- Etiqueta: contenido del paquete
- Etiqueta
- Technical name: stock_package_report, updated: 07/06/2020 14:27:45 , author: HG Consulting
- Administración de Asistencias
- Administración de Asistencias
- Technical name: hr_attendance_virdi, updated: 09/18/2017 03:21:58 , author: HG Consulting
- eInvoicing
- Technical name: account, updated: 07/12/2015 03:26:47 , author: OpenERP SA
- Cancel Journal Entries
- Technical name: account_cancel, updated: 09/12/2015 15:30:12 , author: OpenERP SA
- Template of Charts of Accounts
- Technical name: account_chart, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Payment Follow-up Management
- Technical name: account_followup, updated: 07/12/2015 03:28:40 , author: OpenERP SA
- Suppliers Payment Management
- Technical name: account_payment, updated: 07/12/2015 03:28:08 , author: OpenERP SA
- Sumatoria en Pagos de Clientes y Proveedores
- Agrega una sumatorio en los pagos
- Technical name: account_voucher_payment_sum, updated: 07/20/2017 01:57:54 , author: Hg Consulting
- Analytic Accounting
- Technical name: analytic, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Password Encryption
- Technical name: auth_crypt, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: ['OpenERP SA', 'FS3']
- Signup
- Technical name: auth_signup, updated: 07/12/2015 03:26:32 , author: OpenERP SA
- Base
- Technical name: base, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Automated Action Rules
- Technical name: base_action_rule, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Base import
- Technical name: base_import, updated: 07/12/2015 03:26:02 , author: OpenERP SA
- Initial Setup Tools
- Technical name: base_setup, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- VAT Number Validation
- Technical name: base_vat, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Dashboards
- Technical name: board, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- IM Bus
- Technical name: bus, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Claims Management
- Technical name: crm_claim, updated: 08/05/2017 16:44:23 , author: OpenERP SA
- Decimal Precision Configuration
- Technical name: decimal_precision, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Delivery Costs
- Technical name: delivery, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Document Management System
- Technical name: document, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Electronic Data Interchange (EDI)
- Technical name: edi, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Email Templates
- Technical name: email_template, updated: 07/12/2015 03:26:20 , author: OpenERP SA
- Email Gateway
- Technical name: fetchmail, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Knowledge Management System
- Technical name: knowledge, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Mexico - Accounting
- Technical name: l10n_mx, updated: 07/12/2015 03:28:10 , author: Vauxoo
- MRP Byproducts
- Technical name: mrp_byproduct, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:09 , author: OpenERP SA
- Campos de caducidad y consumo preferente MRP
- Agregar dos nuevos campos MRP
- Technical name: mrp_consumed_dates, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:19 , author: HG Consulting
- Ocular boton comprobar disponibilidad MRP
- Ocultar boton comprobar disponibilidad en la orden de produccion
- Technical name: mrp_hide_availability_button, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:21 , author: HG Consulting
- Orden descendente de los procesos
- Cambia el orden de los procesos
- Technical name: mrp_order_desc, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:28 , author: HG Consulting
- Mostrar lote en lista de procesos
- Mostrar en vista árbol los lotes del canal en la producción
- Technical name: mrp_show_lot, updated: 04/25/2016 23:36:36 , author: HG Consulting
- Payment Acquirer
- Payment Acquirer Base Module
- Technical name: payment, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Transfer Payment Acquirer
- Payment Acquirer: Transfer Implementation
- Technical name: payment_transfer, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Portal
- Technical name: portal, updated: 07/12/2015 03:27:33 , author: OpenERP SA
- Portal Claim
- Technical name: portal_claim, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Portal Sale
- Technical name: portal_sale, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Portal Stock
- Technical name: portal_stock, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Procurements
- Technical name: procurement, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Products & Pricelists
- Technical name: product, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Campo como cocinar producto
- Como cocinar el producto
- Technical name: product_cook_mode, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: HG Consulting
- Products Expiry Date
- Technical name: product_expiry, updated: 07/12/2015 03:31:23 , author: OpenERP SA
- Double Validation on Purchases
- Technical name: purchase_double_validation, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Report
- Report
- Technical name: report, updated: 07/12/2015 03:26:04 , author: OpenERP SA
- Resource
- Technical name: resource, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Opportunity to Quotation
- Technical name: sale_crm, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Margins in Sales Orders
- Technical name: sale_margin, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Sales and MRP Management
- Technical name: sale_mrp, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Sales Teams
- Sales Team
- Technical name: sales_team, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Sales and Warehouse Management
- Quotation, Sale Orders, Delivery & Invoicing Control
- Technical name: sale_stock, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Share any Document
- Technical name: share, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Usuario en ajuste de inventario
- Agregar usuario que realiza ajuste de inventario
- Technical name: stock_inventory_adjustment, updated: 09/30/2015 13:28:09 , author: HG Consulting
- Sumatoria en Transferencias
- Muestra un total en las transferencias de productos
- Technical name: stock_transfer_sum, updated: 09/15/2015 15:42:36 , author: Hg Consulting
- Warning Messages and Alerts
- Technical name: warning, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Web
- Technical name: web, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43
- Web Calendar
- Technical name: web_calendar, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA, Valentino Lab (Kalysto)
- OpenERP Web Diagram
- Technical name: web_diagram, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43
- Web Gantt
- Technical name: web_gantt, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43
- Graph Views
- Technical name: web_graph, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43
- Base Kanban
- Technical name: web_kanban, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43
- Gauge Widget for Kanban
- Technical name: web_kanban_gauge, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43
- Sparkline Widget for Kanban
- Technical name: web_kanban_sparkline, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43
- Web PDF Report Preview & Print
- Technical name: web_pdf_preview, updated: 10/30/2015 23:10:18 , author:
- Contact Form
- Create Leads From Contact Form
- Technical name: website_crm, updated: 08/05/2017 16:44:25 , author: OpenERP SA
- Website Mail
- Website Module for Mail
- Technical name: website_mail, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43 , author: OpenERP SA
- Website Partner
- Partner Module for Website
- Technical name: website_partner, updated: 07/12/2015 03:27:50 , author: OpenERP SA
- Website Report
- Website Editor on reports
- Technical name: website_report, updated: 07/12/2015 03:27:51 , author: OpenERP SA
- Tests
- Technical name: web_tests, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43
- View Editor
- Technical name: web_view_editor, updated: 03/25/2020 00:24:43